Wouldn't it be nice to have your own virtual HR Generalist minus the costs associated with an employee? Well, look no further! Your opportunity is here! We can provide the following for you:


Create and submit employment and project ads.
Develop and Maintain Job Descriptions for your company, perform research to obtain salary information for job roles in your area.
Manage Interview Schedule
Assist in the establishment of a HR function in an organization
Receive resumes, and perform a cursory review to ensure basic qualifications are met, then forward candidates to you for review.
Coordinate scheduling of interviews and necessary travel arrangements for candidates.
Prepare and send out offer / rejection letters.
Coordinate pre-employment screenings (background checks, DMV, drug and alcohol screenings, employment and educational reference checks)
Obtain necessary disclosure forms and agreements to be reviewed, completed and returned by the candidate prior to their start date.
Check references

New Hires

Develop new hire welcome packages that include benefits enrollment, company, and required tax forms.
Create and provide to new hires your company overview presentations, employee manuals.
Add employee information into database, set up and maintain employee file(s).
Obtain completed insurance enrollment forms and provide to insurance broker and payroll administrator for processing.

Staff Services

Act as the go-to person for your employees in disseminating your company's policies, providing forms.
Develop company newsletters and other employee communication media.
Develop employee surveys and track results, providing feedback to management.
Coordinate open enrollment for employees
Develop employee manuals, policies and procedures.
Training & Training Checklist
Organization Charts
Termination Process

Information Management

Track performance reviews, notify when due, track merit increases and bonuses against your budget.
Develop time tracking systems so employees can enter their time for reporting purposes, enabling you to identify how time is spent.
Create and manage time tracking and Performance Management databases.
Develop procedures and management reporting solutions to measure against productivity goals. 

Employee Relations

Informs employees and applicants regarding a variety of procedures and program requirements regarding
compliance guidelines (EEOC, FMLA, FLSA, ADA, etc), sick leave, etc.) for the purpose of providing necessary information for making decisions, taking appropriate action and/or referring to someone else if appropriate.
Investigates a variety of Human Resources related issues (e.g. EEOC, Wage and Hour, Harassment, ADA, Discrimination,
employee disputes, etc.) for the purpose of ensuring that effective, legally compliant resolutions are arrived at in a timely manner within guidelines.
Communicates with employees, departments, administrators, applicants and the public for the purpose of providing information and assistance concerning employment, recruitment, personnel records and/or labor relations and related legal requirements.
Responds to written and verbal inquiries from a variety of internal and external sources for the purpose of resolving problems, providing information and/or referring to appropriate personnel and/or identifying the relevant issues and recommending or implementing a remediation plan.

Benefits of Our Services

Here, at Maximum Virtual Solutions we feel that time is money, and we have a way to regain control over your long overdue, out-of-control, projects. Having an outsourced Human Resource department is becoming a need for the busy entrepreneur, small business owners, and people on the go. A Virtual Human Resource Generalist may be more affordable then you think. You don't have to pay taxes, insurance or any fringe benefits. There's also no need for extra office space or equipment. As trends reveal, more executives will be traveling and spending less time in the office.

The majority of the services are provided virtually. What we mean by virtual is that the assignments are completed away from your office setting. The services are the same as if you had a full staff Human Resource department hired by your company. We are here to meet your company needs and demands. We provide 100% reliability, confidentially, and professionalism to our clients. We are tailored to fit your needs and budget.  If need we will also come into your office and work. 

There are numerous benefits: No employee taxes, benefits or insurance, no OSHA issues or jeopardy of lawsuits. Maybe your company only needs 10 hours worth of support each week. You would have to pay someone part-time or full-time and scramble to keep them busy to justify their expense. Possibly you have seasonal work overloads and only need assistance for a few months out of the year. The benefit of having an outsourced Human Resource Department is the working relationship is tailored to fit your needs.

Our Services